These: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003XNDEYU
were $19.95 SHIPPED for 60 cheapie flannel contour diapers. They aren't great by themselves, so a lot of us sewing mamas were playing around with ways we could sew them up to make simple fitted diapers and even just reinforcing the basic stitching since the soaker layer area wasn't really sewn in very well the way they arrived. ;)
Basic reinforcing seams:

Here is my first little tutorial using them (I will be doing a few more over the next few months as I get the time. I might also incorporate them into other tutorials as well.):
What you'll need:
- elastic
- some extra cotton fabric (t-shirt, baby towel, receiving blanket, bed sheets… really anything will work) *I used part of an old flannel receiving blanket I had already cut up...
- cotton terry scrap or piece of old towel
- amazon cotton flannel contour
- safety pins
- sewing machine (only a straight basic stitch is needed)
- thread
- scissors
(optional - snaps, velcro, snappi, or diaper pins)

Pin a strip of your terry down over the middle of the contour. Sew down the sides about 1/2" in from the sewn-in soaker's seam edges (I used a contrasting thread to make my seams more visible).

Trim the terry edges and draw your diaper shape (I traced a diaper I already had).

Trim down the contour.

Lay over the fabric you'll be using for your outer and trim it to match shape.
( If you want to use velcro, sew your loops strip down on the front panel before sewing all your fabric pieces together.)

Have the inside of the outer facing outward and the terry strip facing outward. Sew around all but the middle 7" of the back/top side.

Turn right-side-out.

Sew your elastic casing channels.

Thread your elastic through using a safety pin through the open back of the diaper. Tack down, stretch, tack, and trim.

Sew your back elastic casing channel.

Thread and tack your back elastic, sew up the back, and do your top-stitching.

It is now ready to pin or snappi (if you used a snappiable outer fabric)... OR, you can add snaps. I think this would be best with a snappi or pins though because you can do a fold-over rise and make these fit from aound newborn to 30lbs+ depending on build.

You can add any lay-in doubler or add snaps for a snap-in doubler/soaker as well. Here it is shown with a preemie prefold trifolded inside.

My 28lb 36" tall 25 month old wasn't in the mood to model much, but I caught a climbing butt shot. ;) She wore it on the 2nd waist snaps in and the outer most thigh/hip snaps. I was really surprised that the rise was enough for her, but it was. So, these could likely fit SOME toddlers through potty-training even!

The link for the amazon contours isn't working. Do you know if they still have them? Do you use these for your newborn, if so how do you like them? How do they compare to other fitteds? Thanks