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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Freetime-style dual-flap All-In-One

There is now a VIDEO tutorial for this style on my YouTube channel!

Prepare your outer PUL fabric as usual (adding snaps and/or hook & loop.)

For your inner, you will need a non-absorbent full layer of something like suedecloth, poly fleece, minky, etc.  Plus 2.5-3" tall by the full width strips of PUL for across the inside of the front and back.  The absorbent soaker flaps will need to be the length you would use for your Small size soakers and not very wide.  They can be topped with a stay-dry fabric or be left with a natural fabric surface.  Mine are each 2 layers of heavy hemp/cotton fleece with a bamboo fleece layer on the top.
 Center and align your soaker tops with the tops of the PUL strips with the shiny side up.
Sew down the top of the soaker securely to the PUL strips.
 Showing the underside.  Sew with this side down.
 Flip to PUL up and pin/clip your PUL+soaker to the inner body panel.

 Your inner is now all sewn together.
I pin down my soaker flaps so they don't get in the way of the rest of the sewing.
 View of the underside.
 Clip your inside and outside with faces together, and sew together like with any other diaper.
 Front left open for turning:
 Trim your corners before turning.
 Turned outside view:
 Turned inside view:
 Sew your elastic casings, install your elastic, and top-stitch to close up your turning hole.

 Add your wing snaps, and you're done!

All of my free diaper pattern templates can be downloaded here: http://prefold2fitted.blogspot.com/2012/10/online-free-downloads.html


  1. Is there a layer of brown PUL behind the brown suedecloth? What's the purpose of double lining the inside?

    1. The inner PUL is both for wick-prevention as well as to strengthen the diaper where there is a lot of tension/wear where the soakers are sewn in. It is a likely place for fabric to tear and over-wear due to them being sewn in like that. Bumgenius/Cottonbabies does the inner PUL at the front as a wick-prevention measure as well.

    2. So to make sure I’m understanding, you are saying you do a full panel of PUL behind the suede cloth?

    3. No. There is only that small strip of PUL at the top and bottom. None behind the suede cloth. It is in top of it. Sorry i didn't see this sooner.

  2. I am always amazed by your patterns. you are super crafty

  3. I didn't use your pattern, but I followed this tutorial to create the two sewn in petal soakers and my diaper came out PERFECTLY!!! I love your blog so much, I'm working on sewing up a bunch right now for my 18 month old. Your posts about elastic (and this one about the soakers) have been my favorite so far.
    I'm wanting to start a newborn stash as well and want to use your newborn/premie patterns but i'm not quite sure which one will work best. My son was a little over 5 lbs when we brought him home full term and I guess I just have tiny babies and was wondering which pattern would be best for small babies like that that wouldn't be too bulky but would grow with them to about 12 lbs or so. Any help would be nice. Thanks!!!

    1. The NB Universal Squaretab would be the best bet for those requirements. As long as it isn't sewn with bulky inserts and the legs are made tight enough. :)

  4. I can't seem to find this pattern in your free downloads?

    1. It is made with the OS Squaretab template. The templates aren't different for the different styles of diapers. They are only the general body shape. You can use this technique with any diaper pattern or template. It is only about HOW you construct the inner.

  5. Is it possible to use prefolds or inserts i already have serged into the appropriate shape instead of making inserts from scratch? i dont have any insert fabric and don't want to order a bunch of fabric...

    1. Yes of course! If using microfiber terry inserts though, make sure to add a wicking or natural layer on top. Since MF terry can't be right against the skin. :)
