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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Seattle Area Offer

If any of you locals (Snohomish or King counties) are interested in learning how to sew your own CDs, and would want to come over here for a few lessons...  I will PROVIDE you the materials and a couple lessons free of charge.  
This offer only lasts for as long as I have the free time to do so and no family visiting.  ;)  I will likely have even more weekday availability in September+ because BOTH of my kids will be in full-day school starting this year.  Hooray!!!

To better access my free templates and a sort of glossary to the various tutorials, go here: http://prefold2fitted.blogspot.com/2012/10/online-free-downloads.html


  1. Cool! I had no idea we were close. I'm down in Cowlitz County. A bit too far of a drive for me, but your offer sure is tempting. :-P

  2. I would be intrested I live in Oak Harbor, but would be willing to do a little driving. I work during the day but am free most nights and weekends if you are!

    1. Nope. This is a during the school day kind of offer. Really only for stay-at-home moms or people between jobs or on leave etc.

  3. Will you be doing this as a class for a fee? My daughter in law is due in Oct. and wants to do CD for #4. Where are you located? She is in Tacoma and I will be there visiting 9/10-9/16. Thanks!

  4. Oh, sorry, I see you said "free of charge"...how generous ��

  5. Yes interested in learning more!!! I'm brand new and would love a great foundation to get started!! I'm in the Olympia area but willing to drive.

  6. I am very interested!! Up in Stanwood :) Trying to figure out the best way to make inserts for my heavy wetter. I had no idea you were local.

  7. I could be interested! I live off seattle hill road. I'm new to the sewing machine and plan to CD my first due in December. I usually have Mon/tues off...

  8. Would you possibly be able to make a mock g diaper pattern?

    1. I'm not really interested in that style, as there are so many types of AI2s. But, if you look up "snail shell diaper" you should find a lot out there. I have seen several over the years.

  9. I'm trying to find your FOE tutorial, but can't find it! Can you possibly send me a link?

  10. I'm half tempted to fly out there just to take you up in this lol

  11. I'm close the the Seattle area! Is this offer still available? I really hope it is! I'm cd my 3 month old daughter & I could really use the help. I have my own sewing machine & I could bring it. I would be so grateful for the opportunity.

    1. Totally still open. :) Email me at patterns@simplylinux.org with your direct contact info so we can chat.

  12. I sent you an email! Hopefully the offer is still available.

    1. I didn't get it. Can you try emailing again?

  13. Sign me up, I can come ANYTIME I just have to hop on a ferry! And I can bring the supplies I have! Email Kelly distant.star20@gmail.com

  14. I live in Visalia, if u drive to you, would you teach me?
