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Friday, March 1, 2013

Newborn Umb Snap-Down FOE Cover

I now have a general VIDEO tutorial online for FOE covers.

You can get this template HERE.

Cut our your body and snap backing PUL cuts.
 I use a washable glue stick to temporarily hold them in-place.
 Mark your front panel snap locations except the top umbilical snap.

Apply your snaps.
 Using a 3-step zig-zag stitch, sew on your fold-over-elastic.  Stretch tight through the legs and across the back, but keep without tension around the wings and around the front.
 Close up showing stitching and the stretching tension changes:
 Add your top umbilical snap.
 Add your wing snaps.
 Showing the wipeable PUL inside:
 The fit over a small fitted diaper:

 The fit over a newborn fitted diaper:


  1. Does this still work ok when using the umbilical snap down on a nappy also with the umbilical snap down done? If u get what I mean lol.

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  3. Do you always have a double layer of PUL where your snaps are, or just for the diaper covers?

    Also, what is your opinion on Babyville PUL? I've heard people complain that it delaminates.

    1. I've been told that BBV has fixed their PUL issues and it is reliable now. :) As for the snap backings, I do PUL as a backing on PUL covers just to keep them wipeable. However, for AI2s, AIOs, and pockets I usually use pieces of fleece or suedecloth. For Fitteds, I just put the snaps through at least 2 layers of the fitted fabrics. :)

    2. I made some of the diaper covers with the PUL backing for the snaps, but I'm a bit concerned poop might get smashed up in between and be hard to clean. I was thinking about sealing it closed with fabric glue. Do you have any input on this? Thanks!!!

  4. Can you please tell me what width foe you use. Thanks

  5. Replies
    1. I think this one is around a yard. Maybe a touch more. I have only ever measured my OS FOE cover, and it was 51."

  6. How do you print off the correct size pattern?

    1. You go to the google drive link and just print it with no scaling or scaled 100%. It is already sectioned into printing pages for typical printer areas.

  7. I want to make this as my first try at sewing a diaper! 1 question: is the outer fabric (print) also PUL or is it something else? Do you just use the white PUL on the inside? Sorry if these are stupid questions! Still learning this stuff!

    1. It is just a PUL print available at some Joann fabrics and Hobby Lobbies etc. The whole cover has to be waterproof. The front piece is only to reinforce the snaps.

    2. Okay cool! I thought that there was like a second full layer of just white PUL. I was confused! Thanks!

  8. If I were to mix this with your flip style pattern (basically making a newborn size flip) I'd need to add a seam allowance in the leg holes for the.elastic casing, correct?

  9. Can you tell me the approximate weight range on the newborn pattern?

  10. Are the squares on the pattern for velcro if you go that route? And if so, is the backing necessary?

  11. Hi there, thank you for your amazing patterns and tutorials! Wondering what the weight range is for this pattern. Thanks, Devin

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  13. Hi - If I use sandwich PUL do you think I still would need the reinforcing pieces? Thanks

  14. Regarding the reinforcement pieces, do you do plastic side to plastic side, or do you leave the plastic side facing up so it's wipeable? Is it supposed to fuse together in the dryer?
