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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Serged Newborn AIO or AI2

I had some people try out the serged fitted as an AIO.  It was a little low on coverage for an AIO or AI2.  So, I just drafted this up.  It should fit the bill better and be sort of similar to the Grovia NB AIOs with the fleece inner and flap-style soaker (I've never seen one of those in-person though).  The template for this is HERE.

The sample I did was the AIO sewn-in soaker version. My layers are microfleece stay-dry top, then two layers of cotton fleece, and then heavy bamboo fleece on the bottom.

 First, serge around your flap-style soaker.
Pin your soaker to your anti-pill fleece inner.
 Use a zig-zag stitch to sew down the top end and keep it flush.
Then, serge around the body of the diaper keeping the front open.
View from the top PUL fabric side:
 Add your elastic casing channels and install your elastic.
Serge closed the front of the diaper, and add your wing snaps and top umbilical snap.
  Finished inside:


  1. Would this pattern works as a t & t aio or ai2 if I use the outside line as the seam allowance? I have heard from a lot of people and online reviews that the grovia newborn aio is prone to wicking most of the time and as this one is much the same design I would worry about that. So maybe for me a t&t would be better? :)

    1. It would probably be fine as a T&T diaper as well just how it is. Or, you could enlarge it but a couple percent before printing as well if you're concerned about coverage. I have the same feelings about the serged edge PUL diapers. However, I have been told by some that, as long as the soaker absorbency is enough, that they can be totally fine. Perhaps some of the problem with the Grovias is the amount of absorbency as well?

    2. I personally have 2 Grovias and the absorbency is not enough for my newborn. I add a preemie prefold in with it and my wicking problems ceased.

  2. yes could be, do you think i tri-folded zorbII insert would be enough to stop wicking, or maybe just a bifolded zorbII insert?

    1. Also do have you ever tried a aio made with a hidden pul layer? I have some lovely prints mostly interlock and jersey and don't want to cover them so I was thinking of putting a layer of pul behind the outer layer but am a little concerned about wicking, just wondered if you had any feedback on this? :)

    2. I have only done totally covered wipeable PUL covers. However, I do wing-to-wing cotton prints occasionally. I just make sure to tuck the top and sew to just the PUL so none of the cotton easily wicks from the inner fabric. I also keep it a small enough cut that it doesn't go much into the leg elastic region. I am very fearful of cotton outers with hidden PUL in general. Even if they seem ok at first, it just seems like that is usually the first thing to cause problems with wear.

  3. Do you have a pattern for a newborn fitted cover, like a XS Thirsties?


    1. I don't have any gusseted covers, but I do have a NB-S FOE cover and an OS FOE cover already up on my downloads post/page. I am also working on sewing up my new NB FOE cover that has an umbilical stump snap-down as well. The template for that is already done. I just need to sew up the sample and do the pictorial.

  4. Hi, and thanks again for the awesome patterns! I have a few questions- and forgive me if there is a more detailed explanation of this diaper somewhere, I cannot find it. (I have a 14 month old and I'm 7 months pregnant- that could have something to do with it!!!) Can you direct me to an explanation for installing the elastic? I follow you until that point. Also, these are "petal" type soakers right? So they are only sewn in at one point? (Are there two?) I know you must be so busy- I truely appreciate the time it takes you to maintain and post all these things. It makes it affordable for others to cloth diaper our kiddos!!

  5. Maybe follow instructions for NB serged fitted but use different materials?

    1. Yes. I always do my elastics the same way. I sew the casings and then thread my elastic through the front (or turning hole on T&T diapers) using a bodkin or safety pin. Then I sew up the front after they're installed. For the soaker in this one... IF it is an AIO, then you just sew the soaker to the inner fabric (before sewing the diaper body together) near the back (but leave enough room for your elastic casings etc.) Usually about 1.5" down from the back edge is enough. For an AI2, you don't sew it in at all. You just install a snap through the middle after the diaper is sewn. Low enough that wherever your snap is on your soaker will allow it to sit enough below the back elastic. :)

    2. Thank you for the informative and quick response!!

  6. Can you confirm I have the material correct for this diaper please? Diaper from outside to in is 1 layer PUL, 1 layer anti-pill microfleece. Soaker pad is from top to bottom 1 layer microfleece, 2 layers cotton fleece, 1 layer bamboo fleece. Thank you again, I wish you lived near me, I would bake for you!! ;)

    1. Don't use microfleece for your inner shell layer. Use Anti-pill or any of the thicker repelling fleeces. Not a thin wicking fleece which microfleece is. Microfleece is MUCH thinner than anti-pill fleece. Other than that term issue, if you only have normal weight bamboo fleece, then I'd use two layers of bamboo fleece as well. So, the soaker would be 1 layer microfleece, 2 layers cotton fleece, and 2 layers bamboo fleece... OR just 4 layers of any of those would be fine. I was just utilizing small scraps that I had random amounts of in my scrap pile. ;)
      As for baking, you wouldn't want to bake for us. We have some strange food issues in my household. No worries though, I am a great cook. I bake at least once most days and often more than that. ;)

  7. Do you happen to know the weight for this and the square tab nb diaper?

  8. Okay first of all you are brilliant and generous, second your blog is beautiful, and third all of your diapers make me swoon!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Would you mind to email me answers? jenniferlynnfretz@gmail.com
    I am having twins..and my husband quit changing diapers 6 years and 3 babies ago when I switched to cloth! He said he didn't know how...Which is not as lame as it sounds because when I started I made a little of everything..one size, sized, fitteds, aios ai2s, pockets, flats, covers, wool soakers...
    so this time around I know he is going to need to help with the diapering!

    I am looking at doing newborn and small aios with a sewn in petal style soaker..i think that is the easiest (closest to sposies) I can go without messing with crazy dry times and concerns of layers getting clean..
    I have purchased zorb and french terry bamboo and pul. I was going to do a three layer body pul and two layers of bamboo- but will that create wicking issues. how many layers of zorb/bamboo petals would you recommend? I have never serged diapers (just recently got a serger) is there a performance difference from a t and t?

    Thank you so much for your help!!

  9. Why are you using PUL and a repelling fleece for the inner? Could you not use an absorbent fabric for the inner?

    1. For an AI2, the inner can't be absorbent because then you can't re-use the shell. For an AIO of this style, it is to prevent wicking out the edges where the inner is serged to the outer. It keeps the urine in the soaker and thus not touching the outer PUL or any tight/close-fitting clothes.

    2. OK. That makes sense. Thank you so much.☺

  10. This is great! I think I'll make a couple for my friend expecting twins soon. Do you have something like this for larger babies, sized or OS? My son is 7mo and 23+ pounds so i know he definitely won't fit this but it's a beautiful diaper! I love the shape! I'd only ask for longer tabs for thick thighs. ;)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This is the style I want to make but I do not have a serger. what can I do? This is all new to me but I have a grandbaby coming in 8 weeks so I need to get busy!

  13. Thanks for all the work you did! It's amazing! I want to ask - can I add double gussets on the legs to this pattern (and any help would be appreciated).
