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Friday, December 7, 2012

Mama Cloth - Part 2

Now for the other style I promised...  and the .pdf template.

This style has a separate soaker pad and base that are sewn together after construction.  You could also do something like a velcro-on removable pad with this construction method.  That seems like too much of a pain to me though.  ;)

For the soaker pad, I used easy to find fabrics this time.  Wicking jersey stay-dry top (Joann Fabrics has it).  1 layer of cotton terry cloth.  2 layers of white flannel.  This is a fairly heavy soaker pad.
 Fabrics pinned together with the outsides facing in:
 Now for your backing...  This time I used antipill fleece and pink PUL.
 The two parts pinned and ready to sew:
 Sew around your backing pieces leaving just a turning hole:
 Turn through your hole and top-stitch:
 Sew or serge around your soaker fabrics leaving just a turning hole:
 Turn through your hole:
 Close up the hole with your top-stitching and add your wet-zone stitching:
Sew your soaker pad onto your backing with a fairly large zig-zag stitch over the edge:
 View of the underside (excuse the dirty donated PUL):
 Snaps applied top view:
 Bottom view:
Wings snapped together:
 Pad folded up and snapped closed:


  1. All of your patterns are awesome. Do you think you could make a longer version of this pattern

  2. I have a question: I made some very similar to this (just less absorbent, but I had a problem with leakage around the edges of the soaker pad because when I sewed the soaker pad on it pokes all the little holes in the PUL. I tried drying in the drier on hot to seal them...no luck. Advice?

    1. Are you using 100% polyester thread and a small gauge and not worn needle? Other than that, I'd only suggest upping your absorbency a little. I haven't had any leaking problems, but I don't have very heavy flow.

  3. I think I've figured out how to read the pattern, but would you mind putting some instructions with it please ? I think I have figured out that the 2 outer solid lines are for 2 different sizes. Is that right? I'm sorry, I'm new to the whole sewing thing.

    1. No. It is the cutting line and then the size it would be turned. You sew around in between them for your seam allowance allotment.

    2. Also, my pdfs are just the free templates. I don't include instructions with them. For the instructions, follow the steps in the related pictorials throughout the blog.

    3. This is a really good pattern for older women that have gone through menopause and have bladder leakage. Back in the day, the women called them pee pee pads and all they were was a old towel ripped up into squares and doubled over. I figure with pul as a base , I could add a snap to the top and bottom on the soakers to create a snap on/off feature for the base. That way my mom can just replace the soakers as needed and I won't have to make as many bases.

  4. For pantiliners, would I use this same template and just add less absorbency as what you mentioned? I've never tried mama cloth and thought pantiliners was a good place to start to try it out!
